How Long Should You Date Before Popping the Question

Men, here's the million-dollar question: how long should you date your girl before proposing to her?

Okay. I get it. There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to marriage. And I agree, it is not like a product you buy on Amazon that you can return for some reason you're not satisfied. When you commit yourself to a woman, you're tied until you die (unless you divorce.)

So before you buy her a ring and book a wedding package, you should take your time to read this and assess if you've had enough time spent with her.

Dating for a Year 

This is the minimum amount of time you should be dating your girl. But getting to know each other (including the dark sides) takes more than 365 days. But of course, if both of you are matured enough and knows what you're getting into, then nobody's stopping you to start looking for a wedding chapel now!

Dating for a Year or Two

Experts say that dating for one to two years is the safest if you feel like you're ready to take it to the next level. In short, if you can't wait to marry her, you may pop the question if you've been already dating this long. Anything shorter than this might just end up on the rocks, and you don't want that, do you?

It Could Be More Than Just 'Time'
Personally, I think it all just comes down to your compatibility as a couple. There are some out there who cannot acquaint with each other and even find 7 years of dating to be insufficient, while there are couples who see sparks fly instantly that 7 days are more than enough.

There is really no ideal time to date before marriage. Every couple is different, and good relationships aren't all about time alone. It takes the perfect balance of love, trust, respect, maturity, (and maybe money?) to make a relationship work to get to the next level.


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